
Exclusive Report August 2016:

State of The Art Disruptive Economy 2016

Slide1Slide2Slide3 Slide4 Sharing Vision melakukan survey setiap bulannya terkait tema-tema ter-update dalam dunia Teknologi Informasi dan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Setiap survey berisi hasil riset yang detil dan menyeluruh tentang isu terkait – dapat mencapai ribuan halaman. Kami juga menyediakan layanan terkait market research & survey spesifik sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan. Beberapa Survey yang telah dilakukan Sharing Vision *poin berwarna merah dapat diklik untuk dilihat previewnya.
  1. State of The Art Disruptive Economy 2016
  2. Indonesia e-Channel Map 2014 & e-Money
  3. Survey Broadband
  4. Survey Broadband : Satisfaction and Measurement
  5. Survey Broadband Business (High Speed Internet and 3G)
  6. Survey Broadband Market
  7. Survey Data Center
  8. Survey Data Center & Disaster Recovery Center
  9. Survey DRP & BCP
  10. Survey State of the Art BCP and DRP in Indonesia
  11. Survey State of the Art Indonesia Data Center Profile
  12. Survey 3G
  13. Survey 3G Market
  14. Survey Audit & Pengujian BCP
  15. Survey BCM
  16. Survey Bisnis Wireless Selular di Indonesia
  17. Survey Branchless Banking in Indonesia
  18. Survey Business Intelligence dan EDW
  19. Survey Call Center
  20. Survey Capacity Planning
  21. Survey Cellular Lifestyle & Churn Market
  22. Survey Cloud Computing
  23. Survey Cloud Computing Indonesia Market
  24. Survey Contact Center
  25. Survey Content
  26. Dan lain-lain

Info terkait research & survey dapat menghubungi : [email protected]

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