Exclusive Report August 2016:

Sharing Vision melakukan survey setiap bulannya terkait tema-tema ter-update dalam dunia Teknologi Informasi dan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Setiap survey berisi hasil riset yang detil dan menyeluruh tentang isu terkait – dapat mencapai ribuan halaman. Kami juga menyediakan layanan terkait market research & survey spesifik sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.
Beberapa Survey yang telah dilakukan Sharing Vision
*poin berwarna merah dapat diklik untuk dilihat previewnya.
State of The Art Disruptive Economy 2016
- State of The Art Disruptive Economy 2016
- Indonesia e-Channel Map 2014 & e-Money
- Survey Broadband
- Survey Broadband : Satisfaction and Measurement
- Survey Broadband Business (High Speed Internet and 3G)
- Survey Broadband Market
- Survey Data Center
- Survey Data Center & Disaster Recovery Center
- Survey DRP & BCP
- Survey State of the Art BCP and DRP in Indonesia
- Survey State of the Art Indonesia Data Center Profile
- Survey 3G
- Survey 3G Market
- Survey Audit & Pengujian BCP
- Survey BCM
- Survey Bisnis Wireless Selular di Indonesia
- Survey Branchless Banking in Indonesia
- Survey Business Intelligence dan EDW
- Survey Call Center
- Survey Capacity Planning
- Survey Cellular Lifestyle & Churn Market
- Survey Cloud Computing
- Survey Cloud Computing Indonesia Market
- Survey Contact Center
- Survey Content
- Dan lain-lain
Info terkait research & survey dapat menghubungi : [email protected]